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Infinite Ways To Play

Meet Infinite

Cubix’s first gaming system. Designed with multiplayer in mind, this system redefines what it means to play together.

Infinite Logo

Infinite isn’t just a gaming system. Its an experience you can’t find anywhere. With a diverse library of games, there’s something for everyone. Plus, every system comes with multiplayer out the box with two controllers, perfect for playing games with friends day one.

Make your experience yours

The Infinite helps you protect your games from the moment they enter your library. We believe that if you purchase a product, should be able to keep it. Infinite doesn’t have any subscription services or vendor-only accounts that limit your experience. Just get the game and play however you’d like.

Multiplayer Out The Box

Games are more fun when we play them together. Thats why the Infinite comes with two controllers, As soon as you’ve bought your system you can immediately hop on your favorite games and play together. Plus out GameShare® feature allows you to share demos and even lend your friends your library, without needing to worry about anything.

Play your Way

Why bother jumping into the evergoing war on button mapping when we can let you decide? The Infinite comes with a fully customizable Modular controller right out the box.

More info about this is coming soon!

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Indie Driven

The big name, AAA games aren’t the biggest shining stars on the Infinite. Find something you’re absolutely love, all created by up and coming developers creating their dream games. You’re guaranteed to find passion driven content by developers who pour their hearts and souls into creating amazing games.

Support The Project

We might be small, and we definitely don’t have the money the big companies do but we’re a team of passionate people that want to bring the best product we can. If you want to see this project in stores and available for purchase, help us by backing us on Kickstarter!

Early Backers get SO much extra stuff as a special thank you from the team.

Stay tuned as we prepared to launch our kickstarter!